- Great Annual Fish Count - 10 Years and Counting
- American Samoa - REEF Visits South of the Equator
- Jean Michel Cousteau Dives with REEF and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
- Exotic Species Sighting Program
- MPA News - Diver Group in British Columbia Working to Create Reserve Boundaries Around Buoys
- Instructor Training Workshops
- SPAG Update
- Bicolor Damselfish Tumors
- REEF a Big Hit with High School Students
- Sustainers Event and Volunteer of the Year
During recent months, there have been many reports of non-native indo-pacific and Red Sea fishes including the lionfish, which have been sighted in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. The number of lionfish observed indicates that some are surviving the winter water temperatures and expanding their range. Recreational divers and snorkelers are a valuable source of information for tracking fish species including exotic fish because they are looking, taking notice of rare things, and often know what does not belong.
- Grouper Moon Project
- 2nd Fish and Benthic Monitoring Workshop
- Survey Expedition to Venezuela Yields Exciting Finds
- REEF Marine Conservation Center
- Aquarius
- The Evolution of Fishwatching
- Member Article - Ma and Pa Dive Site #1
- GAFC is turning 10!
- Fishwatching in our National Marine Sanctuaries Photo Contest
- Science Update - Applications for Pacific Northwest Invertebrate Data
- MPA News- California Marine Life Protection Act
- New Staff Additions
- WWW.REEF.ORG - What's New
- REEF Headquarters Relocates
- Divers and Snorkelers Make the GAFC a Great Success
- REEF Goes to the Boy Scout Jamboree
- REEF Adds New Components to the Fish Survey Project
- Pacific Northwest Invertebrate Monitoring
- Sea Turtle Sighting Program
- Jewfish Now Called Goliath Grouper
- Member Article - Hawaiian Parrotfish....Not Your Typical Fish Story
- Chevron Conservation Award
- Science Update
- MPA News
- Third Annual Event Celebrates REEF's Success
- Volunteer of the Year - Audrey Smith
- REEF Tours California
- The Great American Fish Count is Here!
- Fish and Benthic Monitoring Workshop Conducted in La Parguera, Puerto Rico
- MPA News
- Tortugas Ecological Reserve Becomes a Reality
- Member Article - Fish Identification Skills
- REEF Wins Gulf Guardian Award
- REEF Internship
- School Groups Participate in Fish Survey Project
- Vandenberg Survey Project
- You're Never Too Old...Or Too Young
- Recycling at REEF
- Books Benefit
- Moving Into the New Millennium - REEF.org Gets a New Look
- New Board Member Joins REEF
- New Garden Eel Discovered in the Caribbean
- Exotic Batfish Gets New Home
- One Fish, Two Fish - REEF's Annual Fish Count
- MPA News - The Tortugas Ecological Reserve
- Jewfish Population Study
- Member Article - The California Sheephead
- Product Review: The ReefNet CD-ROM
- Go With High IQ Dive Guides
- REEF Internship
- Tran boundary Reserve in the Pacific Northwest
- A View From the Kelp
- Caribbean Livaboards Offering Fish Counts
- Second Advisory Board Meeting and Sustainer's Social A "Fishy" Time
- REEF Certificates of Merit Available
- Bonaire Dive Festival
- Monitoring Contracts
- MPA News
- REEF Internship
- Volunteer of the Year 1999 - Tom Isgar
- Great American Fish Count: Event Focused on Partnerships
- What's Happening in Research - Bonaire Marine Park, AGRRA, Florida Keys NMS
- NOAA's Biogeography Program Looking At REEF Data in New Ways
- REEF Joins Forces with Florida's Department of Environmental Protection
- First Annual Sustainer's Social Sponsored by Cayman Islands a Big Hit
- REEF Collaborates on a Research Expedition to the Cayman Islands
- REEF Field Station of Northwest Florida Off to a Fast-Swimming Start
- Research Happenings
- Sustainable Seas... Onward and Downward
- What Are Marine Reserves? What Can You Do?
- Expansions- Gulf of California and the Pacific Northwest
- Divers Outlet Gears Up For Fish ID
- Fenn Valley Supports REEF
- Sustainable Seas Expedition: Venture to the Deep
- REEF and PADI Project AWARE Launch Fish Identification Specialty at DEMA 99
- Linda Schillinger Awarded 1998 Volunteer of the Year
- REEF's Conservation and Science Efforts
- AGRA- To Rapidly Assess Coral Reef Health
- REEF Brings Volunteer Monitoring to Oregon, Washington, and BC
- REEF Plans Expansion to the Gulf of California
- Fabulous Flounders
- 3rd Annual Bonaire Dive Festival
- The Nature Conservancy Honors REEF
- Members Raise Money for REEF
- Great American Fish Count - Great in '98
- REEF Intern Wins Prized Scholarship
- Featured Field Survey- Flower Garden Banks and Stetson Bank National Marine Sanctuary
- PADI Project AWARE Specialty Course
- The Dance of the Lizardfish
- Fall Festivities
- REEF Manual Now Available