C-O Sole

Mottled, spotted and blotched in rich shades of brown with occasional white spots. Occasional S. California to SE Alaska.


Numerous dark spots and several darkish blotches. Can lighten and darken with background. After mating, males guard masses of white eggs; guarding males often dark black. Occasional Alaska through California.

Kelp Greenling

Pair of small cirri above eyes and another tiny pair between eyes and dorsal fin. Five lateral lines. Abundant to common Alaska to central California, rare S. California.

Painted Greenling

Undercolor pale, red bars often shaded with brown. Mature males often turn nearly black during winter mating season. Occasional southern California to BC.

Island Kelpfish

Blotched, barred and striped in shades of red to maroon, lavender, orange, tan; tiny white to pale spots cover body; color change to match background. Abundant around islands in S. California; occasional coastal areas in S. California.

Giant Kelpfish
Color and markings vary greatly, includes shades of yellow. Common S. California, rare to the north.
Bluebanded Goby

Foredorsal fin tall, especially in males. Rear body bars thinner. Abundant to common S. and central California.

Blackeye Goby

Dark to pale tan. Common S. California to central BC.

Scalyhead Sculpin

Mottled, spotted and blotched earthtone shades; usually several saddle markings on back. Abundant Alaska and Washington, occasional to rare to S. California.


Marbled earthtones; can change color. Unscaled bulbous head and stout body. Common S. California and north to southern BC.
