Kelp Rockfish

Mottled shades of tan to brown to greenish brown, occasionally with pinkish tints; can change color. Common southern and central California; occasional to uncommon northern California.

Brown Rockfish

Mottled and blotched shades of tan to coral to brown; pectoral and foredorsal fins usually pale coral to tan. common to occasional Puget Sound to southern California.

Puget Sound Rockfish

Pinkish to white underside. Center of tail dusky. Common southern half of BC and Puget Sound.

Copper Rockfish

Patches of copper to yellow, orange, pink, brown, greenish brown over pale undercolor; belly white; fins pale. Common South. B.C. to S. California.

Quillback Rockfish

Orangish brown to dark brown; often pale area between eye and pectoral fin. Common SE Alaska to N. California; uncommon central California.

Black-And-Yellow Rockfish

Two dark diagonal bands extend from lower eye. Common central and southern California.

China Rockfish

Bluish black to black with yellow spots and blotches. Common SE Alaska through Oregon on exposed coasts. Occasional to rare N. California.

Kelp Bass

Back and sides mottled in solid shades of brown, belly pale. Tail square-cut. Common to occasional S. California, rare to the north.

White; upper body may have shadings ranging from blue to olive or red. Fins, other than tail, may be white or yellowish.

Rapidly and dramatically change color from white to blotched and mottled red to reddish brown when becoming inactive. Light bluish lines often on head and, occasionally, upper body.
