Have you seen a non-native/exotic/invasive species while diving? Please use this form to submit details about the sighting. This form can be used to report details on any marine species, including but not limited to Indo-Pacific Lionfish.

Please fill in as much information as possible. REEF will archive all sightings reported (database is separate from REEF's Volunteer Fish Survey Project Database). Please contact lionfish@REEF.org for help or questions with the form. Sightings from the REEF Program have been included in the US Geological Survey Non-Indigenous Aquatic Species Database. Lionfish sightings data, submitted to REEF and collected during REEF lionfish research expeditions, have also been included in a range map generated by the USGS to show the progression of the invasion. Thank you for your support in helping us fight non-native species invasions.

Contact Information
Species Information
Please use information box at the end of the form to describe the fish if identity is unknown.
Location Information
(Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, etc.)
in deg min.sec (e.g. 12 25.999)
in deg min.sec (e.g. 12 25.999)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png avi mov mp4 m4v.
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