$908 CAD per diver double occupancy, $482 CAD for non-divers double occupancy. Includes: 7 boat dives plus unlimited shore dives, airfills, tanks and weights, 4 nights of accommodations, all meals during your stay (dinner Sunday night to breakfast on Thursday), and sales tax.
+$150 USD (US Dollars) REEF Program Fee per diver will be added to each package to cover the cost of the group leader, seminar and survey materials, and data management. This fee is payable directly to REEF through a secure payment portal on the REEF webpage.
Hornby Island is known for its good visibility, gentle currents and abundant colorful marine life including Giant Pacific Octopus, Wolfeels, various rockfish species, colorful anemones and nudibranchs. Natural sculpted sandstone reefs make for interesting above and underwater terrain. Delicious meals fit for hungry divers. Special diets can be accommodated if arranged in advance. Evening fish and invertebrate ID seminars and games will help both new and experienced fishwatchers enhance their skills. Don't forget your underwater cameras - so many photo ops here!
This trip is booked through Amanda and Rob Zielinski, Owners / Operators of Hornby Island Diving, info@hornbyislanddiving.com, or 250-335-2807.
Rob and Amanda can also provide information on transportation options to Hornby Island. A non-refundable deposit will be collected to reserve your space, that is the value of the first night's stay including taxes ($266.17 CAD per diver, $124.42 CAD per non-diver). Final and full payment is due no later than August 14, 2014. No refunds after 8/14/14.
The REEF Fee for this trip is payable directly to REEF via this link - http://www.reef.org/trips/reeffee