Marine Life Identification ebooks by New World Publications
To purchase an e-book directly from New World Publications, click this link.
Note that these are purchased directly from the publisher and you will be redirected to their site. e-books are $35 each. e-books can be loaded on to 6 different devices.
You can purchase paper copies of these books and other REEF survey supplies directly from REEF here.
Nine e-books available for purchase -
REEF FISH Identification - Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas
REEF CREATURE Identification - Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas
REEF CORAL Identification - Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas
REEF FISH Identification - Tropical Pacific
REEF CREATURE Identification - Tropical Pacific
COASTAL FISH Identification - California to Alaska
REEF FISH Identification - Galapagos Islands
REEF FISH Identification - Baja to Panama
Nudibranch ID - Indo-Pacific 2nd ed
PDF e-books can be loaded into 6 different personal devices. Viewed on Adobe Digital Editions available for Mac OS, Windows OS, Mac iOS and Android devices. These are NOT standard PDF files and you can't use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. You MUST use Adobe Digital Editions to read these ebooks and have an ID installed on your system first before downloading the e-books.