Dark brown to green or black body. Can form clusters up to 1 m across.
Larger, tube-dwelling worm. Often aggregates in clumps. Protected by long, soft, grayish, parchment-like tubes.
Smooth opaque tunic with a squat, roundish body. Usually orange or red.
Form mat-like colonies in areas of current.
Often looks fuzzy due to sedimentation. Found hanging on deep rock walls and reefs or standing on rocks.
Round, thick shell. One of the largest scallops in the world. An orange mantle with sensory tentacles and blue eyes fringes the shell. Permanently attached to substrate, does not detach and swim around.
Shell is mottled greenish and reddish brown with areas of white or blue. Radial ridges span over a spiral sculpture. Only abalone in Pacific Northwest.
Oval-elongated. Yellow underside with large, broad foot.
Large, brown shell with 6 whorls.
Large, round creamy-colored or pinkish shell. Soft body is translucent brown or gray. Only found in soft sediment. Lays eggs in a clay-like, round mass.