REEF Invasive Lionfish Classroom Curriculum
This instructor-led course covers the basics of invasive species, the invasion of Indo-Pacific Lionfish in to the western Atlantic, and information on how to get involved in lioinfish culling efforts such as REEF's Lionfish Derbies.
The curriculum module includes:
-- Easy-to-use teaching curriculum to teach students about the threat of invasive species and issues surrounding the Indo-Pacific Lionfish invasion in the western Atlantic.
-- USB Flash drive with the image-based slideshow needed to teach the course (corresponds with the printed curriculum), as well as class handouts and a knowledge-review quiz.
Two options for Curriculum Format:
- Binder -- Printed instructor's text comes in a handy binder, with the photos and presentation on a USB Flash Drive.
- Paperless -- Instructor's text comes in digital format along with the photos and presentation, all on a USB Flash Drive. ($5 discount)
*The slideshow is a Power Point file and can be run on any PC or Mac computer with Power Point installed.