Our online programs are free and open to all! Check out what's coming up, and view the entire schedule of Fishinars (marine life ID webinars) and other online programs here.

Into the Blue Book Club Meeting
Thursday, July 18, 8pm ET
Click here to register.
REEF Into the Blue Book Club brings together readers who love the ocean. At this meeting, we will discuss our latest book selection, Why Sharks Matter: A Deep Dive with the World's Most Misunderstood Predator by David Shiffman. Everyone is invited to join, and reading the book is not a requirement for attending the meeting.

Fishinar: Common Fishes of the Mediterranean
Wednesday, July 31, 8pm ET
Click here to register.
The Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (EAM) survey region holds plenty of surprises for fish watchers. Join us for one of the first Fishinars focused on this region.

European Parrotfish photo by Carol Cox.