Hang out in the sand with these burrow-dwelling gobies and their shrimp friends! Amy will highlight some of the common shrimpgobies of the Indo-Pacific and how to identify them.
Gorgeous Shrimpgoby photo by Amy Lee
Species taught in this session:
- Randall's Shrimpgoby, (Amblyeleotris randalli)
- Spotted Shrimpgoby, (Amblyeleotris guttata)
- Steinitz' Shrimpgoby, (Amblyeleotris steinitzi)
- Nakedhead Shrimpgoby, (Amblyeleotris gymnocephal)
- Barred Shrimpgoby, (Cryptocentrus fasciatus)
- Slantbar Shrimpgoby, (Amblyeleotris diagonalis)
- Gorgeous Shrimpgoby, (Amblyeleotris wheeleri)
- Red-margin Shrimpgoby, (Amblyeleotris rubrimarginata)
- Banded Shrimpgoby, (Cryptocentrus cinctus)
- Thread Shrimpgoby, (Ctenogobiops mitodes)
- Broad-banded Shrimpgoby, (Amblyeleotris periophthalma)
- Yellownose Shrimpgoby, (Stonogobiops xanthorhinica)
- Whitecap Shrimpgoby, (Lotilia klausewitzi)