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Purpose of this toolkit
This social media toolkit contains resources you can use to share information about REEF’s Fish Out of Water Virtual 5K with your friends and family. You can use the information below to post on your social media platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. You can be part of increasing awareness on REEF’s marine conservation efforts from the comfort of your home!
How does a social media toolkit work?
- Copy and paste the suggested social media posts, or develop your own customized posts using the information below, to share the 5K content.
- Add the hashtags found below to your social media posts, and engage with us using your accounts.
- Follow REEF on Facebook and Instagram and share our content.
- Upload a photo to Instagram and Facebook and caption it with one of the suggested captions found below. NOTE: Instagram does not support hyperlinks in captions. You must add the link to your Bio (Click “Edit Profile” to add a website URL). Then, direct your followers to the link by adding “Click the link in my bio to read all about it!” to your caption.
- Keep on the lookout for more information regarding the Fish Out of Water Virtual 5K on REEF’s social media!
Facebook: @REEF.org
Instagram & Twitter: @reef_org
Sample Social Media Posts
Join me for REEF’s 5th Fish Out of Water Virtual 5K! Proceeds from my race registration will support REEF’s Oceans for All Fund, which provides support for individuals who have limited opportunities to experience the ocean through REEF’s programs. Join me in making our miles count June 5-11 from anywhere in the world – register for the #FishOutofWater Virtual 5K today at www.REEF.org/5KRace! #REEFRace #OceansForAll
During the week of June 8-15 I’ll be participating in REEF’s Fish Out of Water Virtual 5K! I’ll be competing for the _____ Team. When you register for the #FishOutofWater Virtual 5K you’ll get to join a Virtual Fish Team from one of REEF’s Volunteer Fish Survey Project regions of your choosing. Check out www.REEF.org/5KRace to see the other #VirtualFishTeams or to register today! #REEFRace #OceansForAll #______Team
Calling all ocean enthusiasts around the world! REEF’s Fish Out of Water Virtual 5K is your chance to get out and get active in your local community while making your miles count. Not only will proceeds from your registration go to the Oceans for All Fund to increase inclusive programming at REEF, but you’ll also receive limited edition #FishOutofWater race swag! Visit www.REEF.org/5KRace to register for the virtual 5K June 8-15. #REEFRace #OceansForAll
Oceans for All Experiences
We are creating opportunities for the next generation of ocean stewards and supporting foundational change in marine conservation through the Oceans for All initiative. It supports scholarships, programming, and outreach activities to provide experience and increase awareness of marine conservation opportunities amongst groups who are underrepresented and those with financial needs. By participating in the Fish Out of Water 5K, you are directly contributing to the Oceans for All Fund, helping the next generation of ocean stewards gain experience and create inclusive opportunities through REEF's programs.
If you or someone you know has participated in a program funded by Oceans for All, whether it be an Ocean Explorers Program or a Marine Conservation Internship experience, we'd love to hear about it! Share your Oceans for All story and the impact it has had on you through any of REEF's social media accounts or by emailing 5Krace@REEF.org.
When you use existing hashtags about REEF and the Fish Out of Water Virtual 5K these posts will gain more visibility among like-minded individuals! Here are a few that you can use:
#REEFRace #OceansForAll #FishOutofWater #VirtualRace #REEF #MakeADifference
Social Media Graphics
We've created some fun graphics for you to use when you post about the Fish Out of Water Virtual 5K on social media! There are graphics for each of the Virtual Fish Teams for Facebook (FB) and Instagram (IG), and some colorful general 5K graphics. Choose one or multiple graphics to post on your own social media account. Don't forget to tag REEF and use the above hashtags.