2020 Upper Keys Lionfish Derby Results
Join us for REEF's 11th Annual Upper Keys Lionfish Derby
(Socially Distant)
Register now for the 2020 Upper Keys Lionfish Derby!
The derby competition will be designed to allow teams and coordinators to maintain safe social distance while still encouraging the removal of lionfish from our reefs!
Early Bird Registration Discounts Available
$50 per team on or before August 30, 2020
$75 per team on or before September 6, 2020
Late Registration $100 per team deadline September 10, 2020 4PM
Minimum 2 people per team, maximum 4 people
All registered participants will receive a 2020 lionfish derby rashguard
The first 40 paid participants will receive a lionfish derby hat
Team Registration Online WaiverUpper Keys Derby RulesPay Registration Fee
Upper Keys Derby Schedule
Captain's Meeting:
Thursday, September 10, 2020 from 5:30-6:30pm
Captains Meeting Log-in
***The Captain's Meeting is mandatory for the team captains, and all team members are encouraged to attend. The team captain must be one of the four participants in the derby, but does not need to be the captain of the boat. Safe collecting and handling techniques and derby rules will be reviewed. IMPORTANT: This year we are hosting a remote attendance of the Captain's Meeting (details will be emailed out). Teams that will be fishing in the areas that fall under the FKNMS and FWC permit must schedule a time to come to REEF campus to pick up packet material, permits and flags.
Friday, September 11, 2020 Sunrise to Sunset - Fishing all day
Saturday, September 12, 2020 Sunrise to Sunset - Fishing all day
Sunday September 13, 2020, 10:00am - All lionfish must be turned into the drop off station at REEF Campus (Key Largo) or Mote Laboratory (Summerland Key)
Prizes will be awarded for MOST lionfish, SMALLEST and LARGEST lionfish.
During registration teams must choose to compete in one of two Divisions for the Most Lionfish Prize
Apex Predators Division (More Competitive Division; Greater Prize Money)
Reef Defenders Division (More Casual Division; Lower Prize Money)

Final Prize table may change based on registration numbers. If there are not at least three teams registered in each division the two divisions will be combined. All teams will compete together for Largest and Smallest lionfish categories.
Additional Details
- Teams will be able to take at least 85% of their catch after it is measured (REEF will keep some lionfish to use towards education and outreach activities).
- Final details of drop off stations, time and pick-up instructions will be updated online in the derby rules and via email communication with registered teams. Teams will be required to drop their fish with REEF staff and then return when notified it is ready for pick-up (generally within an hour). Teams are asked not to gather at the drop off station(s).
- Drop off times at REEF Campus are Saturday September 12 7AM-10AM and 4PM-9PM and Sunday September 13 7AM-10AM.
- Drop off time at Mote, Summerland Key are Sunday September 12, 2020 7AM-10AM
- All lionfish should be well packed on ice and teams must provide ice for lionfish that will be held overnight (Saturday night)
- All coolers must be picked up no later than 5:00PM Sunday September 13, 2020.
- Don't have a boat? Local Charters available.
Key Dives in Islamorada, FL and Rainbow Reef Dive Center in Key Largo are offering lionfish dive charters the weekend of the derby.
If you are interested please call the dive shops directly for rates, times, and more information:
Key Dives (305)-664-2211
Rainbow Reef (305) 451-7171
REEF COVID-19 Preparedness Plan
REEF is committed to providing safe and healthy programming for our team members and guests. To ensure we have safe and healthy programming, we have developed a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. REEF staff and interns are responsible for implementing and comply with all aspects of this COVID-19 Predparedness Plan while providing REEF Programming. Our goal is to mitigate the potential for transmission of COVID-19 in our community while continuing to fulfill meaningful programs, and that requires full cooperation among our team.
Our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan follows CDC and Monroe County guidelines, federal OSHA standards realated to COVID-19 and Executive Order 20-48. If you have any concerns regarding the health and safety of derby participants or staff members, or would like any clarification on our COVID-19 Preparedness plan, please contact lionfish@REEF.org or call 305-852-0030.
Purchase a REEF Lionfish Neck Gaiter Today!
Special Thanks to our 2020 Sponsors!
Activities occur within NOAA Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary under permit