Digging Deeper into Caribbean Fish Part 1
Features updates to the 4th Edition of Reef Fish Identification Book.
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This session covers:
- Topsail Chub
- Brassy Chub
- Bermuda/Gray Chub
- Bonnetmouth
- Boga
- Neon Goby
- Caribbean Neon Goby
- Cayman Cleaning Goby
- Cleaning Goby
- Broadstripe Goby
- Sharknose Goby
- Barsnout Goby
- Linesnout Goby
- Yellownose Goby
- Colin's Sponge Goby
- Semiscaled Goby
- Frecklefin Goby
- Greenbanded Goby
- Redcheek Goby
- Dash Goby
- Spottail Goby
- Bridled Goby Complex
- Sand Canyon Goby
- Patch-Reef Goby
- Bridled Goby
- Bartail Goby
- Kuna Goby
- Barfin Goby
- Tusked Goby
- Hairy Blenny Complex
- Hairy Blenny
- Masquerade Hairy Blenny
- Mock Blenny
- Shy Blenny Complexes
- Ribbon Blenny
- Glass Blenny Complexes
- Flagfin Glass Blenny Complex
- Smoothhead Glass Blenny Complex
- Triplefin Blennies
- Spinyhead Blenny
- Secretary Blenny
- Punk /Christmas Tree Blenny