NE GAFC: New England Aquarium Dive Club Dives, Gloucester, MA

REEF Great Annual Fish Count dives at Stage Fort Park, Gloucester, MA

Event Time: 11:00am-1:30pm: Picnic, 2:00pm: Photo, followed by the Raffle

Celebration Location: Stage Fort Park, Gloucester, MA

Each year divers help researchers by surveying fish populations. Join the largest survey in North America! Multiple dive locations and fabulous raffle prizes! $7 donation for lunch. Divers turning in surveys will receive 1 raffle ticket. Pick up trash whenever you can both above and below water and at lunch bring a bottle for free drink re-fills!

There are several fish-count dives the week before the event. Register for the dives with the shops AND at the GAFC page. Then count what marine life you see, and then on July 22, come to the Fish Count and log in the data.

Multiple dive sites, and pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, please visit