Dreaming of diving? Want to talk fish? Share scuba stories? Be sure to visit REEF and get your underwater fill at the Our World Underwater consumer dive show in Chicago, February 15-17th.

The Reef Environmental Education Foundation recently received a large donation through a creative fundraising project. Chesterton High School in Chesterton, Indiana, celebrated its 51st Homecoming this fall and decided to deviate from normal festivities.


REEF, with the ongoing support of local businesses, is continuing its monthly lionfish contest that awards both groups (shops, clubs, teams) and individuals who turn in the most lionfish each month. This is a fun competition to encourage ongoing removals of invasive lionfish.


          Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) in partnership with Miami-Dade County Sea Grant Extension will be organizing a series of lionfish workshops open to the public for the Southeast Florida area.
