REEF members are the heart of our grassroots marine conservation programs. A diverse community of divers, snorkelers, and ocean enthusiasts support our mission to conserve marine environments worldwide.

This month we highlight Dana Kowalsick, a REEF member who lives in Bonaire. She is a Level 5 Surveyor in the Tropical Western Atlantic (TWA) survey region, where she has conducted more than 100 REEF surveys! In addition, last year she was one of the most active surveyors in the TWA region! We are proud to feature Dana this month and are thankful that she is part of REEF!

When and how did you first volunteer with REEF or become a REEF member? How did you first hear about REEF?
I became a Fish ID diver during a conservation program I participated in when I was living in Utila, Honduras back in 2022. The program included multiple certification courses that culminated in survey dives to collect data on fish, coral health, invertebrates, substrate etc. That is when I first started doing fish surveys for REEF!

What inspires you to complete REEF surveys? What is the most interesting thing you’ve learned doing a REEF fish survey?
I love to learn so I enjoy surveying so I can be more attentive to the environment when I’m diving and notice new fish, or new fish behavior. I also enjoy knowing that the data we collect helps make a difference to understand what’s going on in our oceans.

Do you dive close to where you live, and if so, what is the best part about diving there?
I am a dive instructor living in Bonaire so I have the privilege of diving almost every day in the shore diving capital of the world! The best part is that we have so many dive sites and they are easy to access any time we want. Even on my weekends, I go on dives with friends and complete fish surveys for fun.

What is the most fascinating fish encounter you’ve experienced?
I was doing a REEF survey at one of the most southern dive sites on Bonaire with a friend and out of the deep, a beautiful Oceanic Manta Ray came swimming right up to us, hung out for a little bit and then swam off. First time I had ever seen one and it is quite rare to see here in Bonaire!

What is your favorite fish or marine invertebrate? Why is it your favorite?
My favorite marine creature is the sea turtle. I had the privilege of living in the Maldives and working with an NGO to rehabilitate sea turtles in 2019 so I have a special connection to these incredible creatures. As for fish, I love trunkfish. I particularly love finding the juvenile “sea peas”! And any type of hamlet. Honestly, it’s hard to choose!

Do you have any surveying, fishwatching, or identification tips for REEF members?
What helped me was watching the archived Fishinars on REEF’s website when I was prepping for the Level 5 TWA exam. Go out and survey as much as you can. Focus on the fish you know at first and then add one or two you don’t know each time! And if you have awesome friends like me, they’ll help create fish quizzes for you!