Our cornerstone citizen science program is called the Volunteer Fish Survey Project, but did you know that REEF surveyors also record sea turtle sightings in all oceans? As part of this global citizen science marine life monitoring program, REEF volunteers have reported sea turtle sightings since 2001. This dataset was recently used as one of several sources of information to study sea turtles in an unexpected location, southern California. Sea turtles aren't always what come to mind when you think of animals that inhabit the temperate waters and kelp forests off of San Diego, but since 2014, Green Sea Turtles have been sighted in greater numbers in this area, at the northern end of their range. This local population of sea turtles, concentrated mostly in La Jolla Shores, was the subject of the recent study, and is the first to provide information about Green Sea Turtle distribution throughout southern California based on opportunistic sightings by the general public. The findings were published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science earlier this year. You can check out www.REEF.org/db/publications for more information on this and other papers that include REEF data and projects.
Photo by Jeff Haines.