MJ Farr

How long have you been doing dive surveys?
I started doing REEF surveys in January of 2004.
When did you join the Golden Hamlet Club?
I joined the Golden Hamlet Club in January of 2016.
Where do you survey?
I mostly survey in Hawaii, but I have done a few surveys in Fiji too.
Do you have a favorite fish or invertebrate? Why?
When I'm in Hawaii, I love Boxfish….they have cute little faces and I love the way they sort of flutter their fins.

Spotted Boxfish by Marty Snyderman
What is your favorite thing/memory about REEF and the Volunteer Survey Project?
Since I do so much diving in Hawaii, (when we are there, which is about half of the year, I do about six dives a week) completing the surveys keeps the diving from getting repetitious, because I am always on the lookout for something rare, or to get a good count on a fish we don’t see very often.
Feel free to share anything else about yourself and your diving adventures!
I didn’t come to diving easily. My son and husband got certified. I said, “Count me out, I’m not a water person and I’m claustrophobic”. However, my husband (bless his heart) encouraged me to try it, because he knew if I could get over the logistics of the gear, I would love the critters. I did about five intro dives before agreeing to get certified. He was right, I do love the critters and now have over 2000 dives under my belt, or rather my weight pockets.