Join Janna Nichols and Ellie Place on the third of a four part series on how to find and identify the invertebrates you can see on your dives in the Pacific Northwest. This is a great introductory course, as well as a review for more experienced surveyors. All are welcome!
Covered in this session are the Molluscs.
Opalescent Nudibranch - Hermissenda crassicornis
Clown Dorid - Triopha catalinae
Leopard Dorid - Diaulula sandiegensis
Yellow Margin Dorid / Hudson's Dorid - Cadlina luteomarginata / Acanthodoris hudsoni
White-lined Dirona - Dirona albolineata
Giant Nudibranch - Dendronotus iris
Leafy Hornmouth - Ceratastoma foliatum
Oregon Triton - Fusitriton oregonensis
Lewis's Moonsnail - Euspira lewisii
Stubby Squid - Rossia pacifica
Giant Pacific Octopus - Enteroctopus dofleini
Gumboot Chiton - Cryptochiton stelleri
Northern Abalone - Haliotis kamtschatkana
Rock Scallop - Crassadoma giganteum