REEF uses a hierarchical 8-digit code system for survey site locations. Each geographic area has its own set of codes. When completing a survey, you need to know the complete 8-digit code for the site you surveyed.

If the site that you surveyed is not currently on our list, then please email to request a new code to be assigned. Please provide the site name, general location, and ideally the latitude and longitude.

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Region: TWA
Zone: St. Martin (F.W.I.) / St. Maarten (N.A.)

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ZoneZone Code listGeographic ReportNameHave Coordinates?
71020001Geographic ReportWreck of the ProselyteYes
71020002Geographic ReportThe Alleys and Cable Reef (Split Rock)Yes
71020003Geographic ReportMike's MazeYes
71020004Geographic ReportOne Step BeyondYes
71020005Geographic ReportFish Bowl ReefYes
71020006Geographic ReportLong Bay ReefYes
71020007Geographic ReportFrench Reef / Frenchman's ReefYes
71020008Geographic ReportSamson Reef / The BridgeYes
71020009Geographic ReportCaribe Ghost (Carib Cargo/Orange)Yes
71020010Geographic ReportGregory WreckYes
71020011Geographic ReportHens and ChickensYes
71020012Geographic ReportBaie RougeYes
71020013Geographic ReportCreole RockYes
71020014Geographic ReportDawn BeachYes
71020015Geographic ReportMama's ReefNo
71020016Geographic ReportCharlie's ShoalsYes
71020017Geographic ReportLittle SistersYes
71020018Geographic ReportPelican at Simpson BayYes
71020019Geographic ReportPinel IslandNo
71020020Geographic ReportFriar's BayYes
71020021Geographic ReportMullet BayYes
71020022Geographic ReportTime TunnelsYes
71020023Geographic ReportLittle GroupersYes
71020024Geographic ReportLittle BayYes
71020025Geographic ReportTintamarre IslandYes
71020026Geographic ReportTiegland WreckNo
71020027Geographic ReportPorpoise WreckNo
71020028Geographic ReportShark HotelYes
71020029Geographic ReportCole BayYes
71020030Geographic ReportOrient Bay East EndYes
71020031Geographic ReportGreen Caye (Cayo Verde)Yes
71020032Geographic ReportSally's Reef Yes
71020033Geographic ReportTurtle Reef  (Grand Case Bay)Yes
71020034Geographic ReportBasse EspagnoleYes
71020035Geographic ReportAnse MarcelYes
71020036Geographic ReportIsabellaYes
71020037Geographic ReportFuhShengYes
71020038Geographic ReportSunken Boat near Simpson Bay BridgeYes
71020039Geographic ReportHolland House Hotel (Jetty SE of)Yes
71020040Geographic ReportBeacon HillYes
71020041Geographic ReportLong Bay Rocky CliffYes
71020042Geographic ReportLittle Bay Divi Resort Beach areaYes
71020043Geographic ReportLucy's BargeNo
71020044Geographic ReportMoonscapeNo
71020046Geographic ReportBig MammaNo
71020047Geographic ReportExplorer's ReefYes
71020048Geographic ReportTurtle Reef (south island, off Philipsburg)No
71020049Geographic ReportDry Dock (Simpson Bay)Yes
71020050Geographic ReportCocoonNo
71020051Geographic ReportIndigo Bay / Cay Bay East Side WreckYes
71020052Geographic ReportNo Name ReefYes
71020053Geographic ReportPitufoNo
71020054Geographic ReportCoralitaYes