REEF uses a hierarchical 8-digit code system for survey site locations. Each geographic area has its own set of codes. When completing a survey, you need to know the complete 8-digit code for the site you surveyed.

If the site that you surveyed is not currently on our list, then please email to request a new code to be assigned. Please provide the site name, general location, and ideally the latitude and longitude.

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Region: TWA
Zone: Little Cayman

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ZoneZone Code listGeographic ReportNameHave Coordinates?
52020001Geographic ReportJackson's ReefYes
52020003Geographic ReportBarracuda BiteYes
52020004Geographic ReportMike's MountainYes
52020005Geographic ReportSarah's SetYes
52020006Geographic ReportChimneyYes
52020007Geographic ReportCumber's Caves / Cumber's CoveYes
52020008Geographic ReportThe Great Wall (Sheer Wall- East and West)Yes
52020009Geographic ReportSoto TraderYes
52020010Geographic ReportGay's ReefYes
52020012Geographic ReportCoconut WalkYes
52020014Geographic ReportOwen IslandNo
52020015Geographic ReportBloody Bay Wall (unknown location)No
52020017Geographic ReportPoint of SandNo
52020018Geographic ReportMary's BayNo
52020021Geographic ReportBlossom VillageYes
52020022Geographic ReportJoy's JoyYes
52020023Geographic ReportNancy's Cup of TeaYes
52020024Geographic ReportPirate's Point ReefYes
52020025Geographic ReportBlack HoleYes
52020026Geographic ReportThe MeadowsYes
52020027Geographic ReportMarilynn's Cut / Great GashYes
52020028Geographic ReportGrundy's GardensYes
52020029Geographic ReportWindsockYes
52020030Geographic ReportLea Lea's LookoutYes
52020031Geographic ReportCascadesYes
52020032Geographic ReportPaul's AnchorYes
52020033Geographic ReportEagle Ray RoundupYes
52020034Geographic ReportBus StopYes
52020035Geographic ReportBlacktip Blvd.Yes
52020036Geographic ReportThree Fathom Reef / Mixing BowlYes
52020037Geographic ReportDonna's Delight / Black Coral ForestYes
52020038Geographic ReportRandy's GazeboYes
52020039Geographic ReportTo Ringer / Ringer's WallYes
52020040Geographic ReportMcCoy's WallYes
52020041Geographic ReportBush GardensYes
52020042Geographic ReportFisheye FantasyYes
52020043Geographic ReportJigsaw PuzzleYes
52020044Geographic ReportSand CastleYes
52020045Geographic ReportParadise PlungeYes
52020046Geographic ReportRock Bottom WallYes
52020047Geographic ReportSnap ShotYes
52020048Geographic ReportCrystal Palace WallYes
52020049Geographic ReportThe BluffYes
52020050Geographic ReportBooby PassYes
52020051Geographic ReportSailfin Reef / Ann(a)'s AtticYes
52020052Geographic ReportPenguins LeapYes
52020053Geographic ReportWest PointYes
52020054Geographic ReportPatty's PlaceYes
52020055Geographic ReportRichard's ReefYes
52020056Geographic ReportCharlie's ChimneyYes
52020057Geographic ReportHooray ReefYes
52020058Geographic ReportHarold's HoleYes
52020059Geographic ReportThe EdgeYes
52020060Geographic ReportSplitvilleYes
52020061Geographic ReportLucas' LedgesYes
52020062Geographic ReportRockhouse WallYes
52020063Geographic ReportCoral CityYes
52020064Geographic ReportDisneylandYes
52020065Geographic ReportBlacktip TunnelsYes
52020066Geographic ReportDynamite DropoffYes
52020067Geographic ReportCharles BayYes
52020068Geographic ReportMain Channel EastYes
52020069Geographic ReportFISH-AG01Yes
52020070Geographic ReportAG15Yes
52020071Geographic ReportAG16 (Lighthouse)Yes
52020072Geographic ReportAG17Yes
52020073Geographic ReportAG18Yes
52020074Geographic ReportGrundy's Reef (not garden)Yes
52020075Geographic ReportJackson's BiteYes
52020076Geographic ReportLighthouse Reef / Lighthouse DeepYes
52020077Geographic ReportSand ChuteYes
52020078Geographic ReportSouthern Cross Club DockYes
52020079Geographic ReportConch Club DockYes
52020080Geographic ReportParadise Villas BeachYes
52020081Geographic ReportWest End Little Cayman FSAYes
52020082Geographic ReportLittle Cayman Research Center ReefYes
52020083Geographic ReportKingston Bight LagoonYes
52020084Geographic ReportSouth Sound Yacht ClubYes
52020085Geographic ReportLucky's ReefNo
52020086Geographic ReportDiver's DelightNo
52020087Geographic ReportBall's LandingNo
52020088Geographic ReportMock Dock Mary's Bay EastYes
52020089Geographic ReportDot's Hot SpotYes
52020090Geographic ReportRon's RockYes
52020091Geographic ReportUncle Lucky'sYes
52020092Geographic ReportTibbett's TopYes
52020093Geographic ReportMartha's Finyard / Fishyard / Dave's DiggleYes
52020094Geographic ReportSailfin Miniwall (in Jackson Bight)Yes
52020095Geographic ReportOwen's WallYes
52020096Geographic ReportPeter's PlungeYes
52020097Geographic ReportLittle Cayman Beach Resort Yes
52020098Geographic ReportNew North Buoy at West End Little Cayman FSAYes