REEF uses a hierarchical 8-digit code system for survey site locations. Each geographic area has its own set of codes. When completing a survey, you need to know the complete 8-digit code for the site you surveyed.

If the site that you surveyed is not currently on our list, then please email to request a new code to be assigned. Please provide the site name, general location, and ideally the latitude and longitude.

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Region: PAC
Zone: Kitsap Peninsula (Port Gamble - Gig Harbor (includes Poulsbo and Bremerton))

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ZoneZone Code listGeographic ReportNameHave Coordinates?
28100002Geographic ReportWautauga BeachYes
28100003Geographic ReportOrchard Point Artificial ReefYes
28100004Geographic ReportPoint Richmond Minesweeper WreckYes
28100005Geographic ReportSunrise Beach County ParkYes
28100006Geographic ReportBremerton MarinaYes
28100007Geographic ReportPoint Washington NarrowsYes
28100008Geographic ReportHarper Ferry Dock (Yukon Harbor)Yes
28100010Geographic ReportManchester State ParkYes
28100011Geographic ReportPoint Glover / Point Glover FingersYes
28100012Geographic ReportPt. Richmond BeachYes
28100013Geographic ReportIllahee State Park (Kitsap Penninsula, WA)Yes
28100014Geographic ReportWatermans Wall (11 Mile Point/ Lighthouse)Yes
28100015Geographic ReportWarren Avenue Bridge, BremertonYes
28100016Geographic ReportManette Bridge, BremertonYes
28100017Geographic ReportWest of Pt. Glover - Rich PassageYes
28100018Geographic ReportSullivan Point WallYes
28100019Geographic ReportThe Tides Tavern (Gig Harbor)Yes
28100020Geographic ReportEast Gig Harbor Public Boat RampYes
28100021Geographic ReportSulphur SpringsYes
28100022Geographic ReportTracyton Boat LaunchYes
28100023Geographic ReportWaterman BeachYes
28100024Geographic ReportIlahee Tire Reef (Ilahee Town Dock)Yes
28100025Geographic ReportWynn Jones ParkYes
28100026Geographic ReportJefferson Point MinesweeperYes
28100027Geographic ReportJerisich Dock (Gig Harbor)Yes
28100028Geographic ReportMaritime Pier (Gig Harbor)Yes