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Geographic Zone Report
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Geographic Zone Codes
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Type the name of the site or zone you would like to see results for.
Zone List
9 - SOUTH ATLANTIC STATES (North Carolina thru Georgia)
93 - Southeast US (North Carolina/Hatteras Canyon thru Georgia)
9301 - South Carolina
93010001 - Bill Perry, SC
93010002 - Hebe, SC
93010003 - City of Richmond, SC
93010004 - Y/73 Wreck
93010005 - T&A#9 Wreck
93010006 - Indigo Ledges
93010007 - Anchor Ledges
93010008 - Researcher Wreck
93010009 - Steelhouse Deck
93010010 - Lead Weight Ledges
93010011 - Gardens Reef
93010012 - Eric's Double Ledges
93010013 - Lil Gardens
93010014 - Anchor Wreck
93010015 - Comanche Wreck
93010016 - Chamberlain's Gulch
93010017 - 105 ft Ledges
93010018 - Hole in Wall
93010019 - Sugarbowl Reef
93010020 - Helen Wreck
93010021 - Fred Day Wreck
93010022 - Eagle's Nest
93010023 - Charleston 60 Reef
93010024 - Train Wreck (subway cars)
93010025 - 105 Barge
93010026 - Barracuda Alley
93010027 - The Sherman
93010028 - Eleven Mile Reef, Tugboat & Barge (Murrells Inlet)
93010029 - The Governor (maybe Suwanne, Paddle Wheeler Wreck)
93010030 - BP-25 Tanker Artificial Reef
93010031 - Area 51 DNR Artificial Reef
93010032 - Edisto 60 Reef - Army APCs
93010033 - Brown Reef (East of St. Helena Sound)
93010034 - Area 51-A DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected Area
93010035 - Area 51-B DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected Area
93010036 - Area 51-C DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected Area
93010037 - Area 51-D DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected Area
93010038 - Area 53-A DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected Area
93010039 - Area 53-B DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected Area
93010040 - Area 53-C DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected Area
93010041 - Area 53-D DNR Artificial Reef/ Marine Protected Area
93010042 - USS Vermilion
9302 - Gray's Reef NMS
93020001 - Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary - unspecifie
93020003 - Station 20 (Gray's Reef NMS Monitoring Site )
93020004 - GRNMS Southwest Ledge 1
93020005 - GRNMS Southwest Ledge 2 / The Terraces
93020006 - GRNMS Southwest Ledge 3
93020007 - GRNMS Site R9
93020008 - GRNMS Site F3
93020011 - May05_LAM9 - Tigershark Ledge
93020012 - May05_LAM6 - Hake Ledge
93020013 - Spoonnose
93020014 - Skate City
93020015 - Goliath Ledge
93020016 - J-Reef Ledge
93020017 - Liberty Ship Daniels
93020018 - Lauren's Ledge, Anchor Ledge
93020019 - Site 51
93020020 - Site 64
93020021 - Barge Olympia
93020022 - Scamp Ledge (V-8)
93020023 - Housing Site
93020024 - Sand Dollar Ledge (V-17)
93020025 - V-10 (sand)
93020026 - May05_LAM1
93020027 - May05_LAM2
93020028 - May05_LAM3
93020029 - May05_LAM4
93020030 - May05_LAM7
93020031 - May05_LAM8
93020032 - May05_LAM10, Ledge 16, 41 IN
93020033 - May05_LAM11
93020034 - May05_LAM12, Ledge 17
93020035 - May05_LAM13
93020036 - May05_LAM14
93020037 - May05_LAM15
93020038 - May05_LAM16
93020039 - May05_LAM17
93020040 - Sarah's Ledge (swim east)
93020041 - East of Africa (swim W to Africa, E to ledge)
93020042 - Funny Face Fish (swim east)
93020043 - Wicked Witch of the South (swim east)
93020044 - Donut Hole
93020045 - Paul's Pancreatic Reef
93020046 - Handlebar Mustache
93020047 - Tatonka
93020048 - Panther
93020049 - The Claw (swim west)
93020050 - Seagull Ledge (swim west)
93020051 - Pop-a-Top
93020052 - Trawl 13 (swim NW)
93020053 - Wil's Liver (swim west or north)
93020054 - Jigsaw Reef
93020055 - Snapper Banks
93020056 - May05_SP12
93020057 - May05_FS2
93020058 - May05_R1
93020059 - May05_LBM12
93020060 - May05_SP8
93020061 - May05_LAM18
93020062 - R2 Tower (outside sanctuary)
93020063 - R2 Hard Bottom (outside sanctuary)
93020064 - J Reef Sand (outside sanctuary)
93020065 - Major Event
93020067 - May05_LAM9
93020068 - GR4, 01 OUT
93020069 - 05 IN
93020070 - 06 IN
93020071 - 25 IN
93020072 - 27 IN
93020073 - 02 OUT
93020074 - 06 OUT
93020075 - 41 OUT
93020076 - FS15 In
93020077 - 15 In
9303 - North Carolina
93030001 - Cassimir Wreck
93030002 - City of Houston (off Cape Fear), NC
93030003 - Pocahontas
93030004 - Markham
93030005 - Six Mile Ledge/Six Mile Barges
93030006 - Laqua Center
93030007 - John D Gill
93030008 - Topsail Beach
93030009 - 8.7 miles SW of Frying Pan Tower
93030010 - AR 370 Alexander Ramsey
93030011 - Five Mile Ledge
93030012 - Radio Island Jetty
93030013 - U-352 Wreck
93030014 - Indra Wreck
93030015 - Schurz Wreck
93030016 - Papoose (actually WE Hutton)
93030017 - AR-386 Hyde Dredge Wreck
93030018 - 23 Mile Ledge
93030019 - Sharktooth Ledge
93030020 - 8 Mile Ledge
93030021 - Naeco Wreck stern
93030022 - Naeco Wreck bow
93030023 - Nancy Lee
93030024 - Socony Wreck
93030025 - Coast Guard Cutter Spar Moorehead City NC
93030026 - USS Monitor
93030027 - Frying Pan Light Tower
93030028 - AR305 Aeolus Wreck
93030029 - W.E. Hutton (actually Ario)
93030030 - AR 382
93030031 - Caribsea (Beaufort Inlet)
93030032 - Atlas (Beaufort Inlet)
93030033 - Suloide (Beaufort Inlet)
93030034 - Normannia (Beaufort Inlet)
93030035 - Lobster Wreck (Beaufort Inlet)
93030036 - Box Wreck or Rock Pile (Both names acceptable)
93030037 - Tamaulipas or Far East Tanker (Bow)
93030038 - Tamaulipas or Far East Tanker (Stern)
93030039 - Ashkabad (Beaufort Inlet)
93030040 - Portland (Beaufort Inlet)
93030041 - AR 345 Titan Wreck (Beaufort Inlet)
93030042 - Caswell Beach
93030043 - R.R. Stone Tug wreck
93030044 - Liberty Ship
93030045 - Lobster Rock
93030046 - Sailboat
93030047 - AR-320 Buoy / Clifton Moss Reef
93030048 - Wreck of the Greg MicKey (Menhaden wreck)
93030049 - Sue's Ledge
93030050 - Old Dredge Wreck
93030051 - Stacey's Ledge (37 miles E. of Wrightsville Beach)
93030052 - Rosin Wreck (SS Runa)
93030053 - Army Tugs / J.J.F. Tugboat / The Tramp
93030054 - 210 Rock / The Rock
93030055 - HMT Bedfordshire
93030056 - Ledge east of Frying Pan Tower
93030057 - Anna's Ledge
93030058 - Big Grouper Ledge
93030059 - Disneyland (Meg Tooth Ledge)
93030060 - AR300 Hardee's Reef
93030061 - Dew's Ledge
93030062 - Mystery Wreck
93030063 - Meg Ledges
93030064 - Atlantic Beach (off Club Colony Drive)
9304 - Georgia (except GRNMS)
93040001 - Navy Tower M2R2
93040002 - Unnamed coastal site
93040003 - Live bottom near R2 tower
93040004 - Anchor Ledge (adjacent to GRNMS)
93040005 - Anchor Ledge 2
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