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Geographic Zone Codes
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Zone List
1 - Northwest Hawaiian Islands
1101 - Midway Atoll
11010001 - Phoenix Caldron
11010002 - Peekaboo
11010003 - Wild West
11010004 - Keoki's Ledge
11010005 - Angel Ledge
11010006 - Fish Hole
11010007 - Sean's Anchor
11010008 - Cargo Pier
11010009 - Reef btw Sean & Keoki
11010010 - Patch Reef (Inside Lagoon)
11010011 - Two Bits
11010012 - Reef Hotel
1201 - Kure Atoll
12010001 - Crews Buoy in Lagoon
12010002 - Hoei Maru Shipwreck
12010003 - Pua'a and Ma'o
12010004 - Jackson Five
12010005 - Cynthia's Site/Blue Ice
12010006 - Bountiful Canyons
12010007 - Northwest Reef
12010008 - West Side Sheltered Backreef
12010009 - South SE Sheltered Backreef
12010010 - South SE Spur & Groove
12010011 - Fillet - outside atoll
12010012 - NW Blue Rice Coral
12010013 - Camel Hump
12010014 - Kure South Site 1
12010015 - Kure South Site 2
1301 - Pearl and Hermes Atoll
13010001 - Fish Shangri-La
13010002 - Engine Block/Channel
13010003 - Butterflyfish Heavan/SW Reef
1401 - Lisianski Island and Neva Shoal
14010001 - Lisianski Island East Side
14010002 - Neva Shoal SE
2 - Kauai (including Niihau Island)
21 - Niihau Island and Lehua Island
2101 - North Shore Niihau (Kaunuopou Pt. - north of Kawaihoa Pt.)
21010001 - Niihau Arches/Superhighway
21010003 - Vertical Awareness Pinnacle
21010004 - Pu'u Mu'u
2102 - South Shore Niihau (Kawaihoa Pt. - south of Kaunuopou Pt.)
2103 - Lehua Rock Island
21030001 - Pyramid Point / Lehua Ledge
21030002 - Vertical Awareness/The Pinnacle
21030003 - Staircase
21030004 - Lehua Rock Keyhole
21030005 - Lehua Rock NW tip
21030006 - Lehua Rock South
21030007 - Lehua Rock SW corner
22 - NaPali Coast (Nohili Pt - Kailiu Pt. at Haena Beach Park)
2201 - Nohili Pt - Keawanui
22010001 - Makole
2202 - Keawanui - Haena
22020001 - Nualolo Kai State Park
23 - North Coast Kauai (Kailiu Pt at Haena Beach Park. - Kepuhi Pt.)
2301 - Kailiu Pt. - Kaweonui Pt.
23010001 - Ke'e Beach Lagoon
23010002 - Tunnels Reef / Ha'ena Beach Park
23010003 - Oceanarium
23010004 - Hideaways / Puu Poa Beach
23010005 - Waikoko's
23010006 - Puu Poa Beach - Use 23010004
23010007 - The Hole
23010008 - Mile 8.6 North Coast
23010009 - Ke'e Beach - Haena State Park
23010010 - Sealodge Beach / Kaweonui
23010012 - St. Regis Hotel / Princeville Resort
23010013 - Pali Ke Kua / Turtle Cove
23010014 - Queen's Bath
23010015 - Turtle Cave (between Ali'i Kai and Cliffs)
23010016 - Colony Resort - Kepuhi Point
2302 - Kaweonui Pt. - Kepuhi Pt.
23020001 - Anini Beach Park
23020002 - Kalihikai Beach / Anini Beach East End
23020003 - Shearwater Reef
24 - East Coast Kauai (Kepuhi Pt. - Makahuena Pt.)
2401 - Kepuhi Pt. - Kuaehu Pt.
24010001 - Aliomanu Bay North
24010002 - Aliomanu Bay Middle
24010003 - Papa’a Bay
24010004 - Larsen’s Beach / Ka'aka'aniu
2402 - Kuaehu Pt. - Wailua River
24020001 - Anahola Beach Park
24020002 - Baby Beach / Fuji Beach
24020003 - Wailua Beach
24020004 - Kealia Beach Park
2403 - Wailua River - Hanamaulu Bay
24030001 - Lydgate State Park
2404 - Hanamaulu Bay - Makahuena Pt.
24040001 - Kipu Kai
24040002 - Kauai - Otsukas
24040003 - Kawaioloa Bay (Maha' ulepu)
24040004 - Ahukini Landing Jetty
24040005 - Gillins Beach
25 - South Shore Kauai (Makahuena Pt. - Nohili Pt.)
2501 - Makahuena Pt. - Puolo Pt.
25010001 - Brennecke's Ledges
25010002 - Sheraton Caverns
25010003 - PK (west of Price Kuhio Park)
25010004 - General Store
25010005 - Icebox
25010006 - Poipu Beach West Cove
25010007 - Amber's Arches
25010008 - Happy Talk
25010009 - Beach House Rest./Lawai Beach Resort/Kolopa Beach
25010010 - PK -- Prince Kuhio Park/Kuhio Shores/Hoai Bay
25010011 - Koloa Landing
25010012 - Fastlanes
25010013 - Please use 23010010 (was Sea Lodge Beach- Princeville area)
25010014 - Please use 24030001 (was Lydgate Park East Coast Shore)
25010015 - Kukuila Harbor (South Shore) / Kukulula
25010016 - Turtle Bluffs South Shore
25010017 - Harbor Ledges
25010018 - Plate Lunch to Kanaka Nui/First Break Drift
25010019 - Coral Grotto
25010020 - Nukumoi Point/Tortugas
25010021 - Cargo Nets
25010022 - Zack's/Zac's Pocket
25010023 - Arenas
25010024 - First Break
25010025 - Allerton Beach (near Spouting Horn)
25010026 - Fish Bowl/Yellow Brick Road
25010027 - Stone House/Dancing Dominos
25010028 - Wai'oli Beach Park
25010029 - Kiahuna Beach
25010030 - 3 Fingers
25010031 - Shipwreck Ledges
25010032 - Mooring Buoy off Kaumakani Sugar Plantation
25010033 - Nahamaalo Point (off Whaler's Cove Resort)
25010034 - Sheraton Kauai Resort
2502 - Puolo Pt. - Nohili Pt.
25020001 - Mana Crack
25020002 - Heniochus
25020003 - Hale O Honu / House of Turtles (off Waimea)
25020004 - Pennant Playground
25020005 - Salt Pond
25020006 - Kaumakani / Olele
3 - Oahu
31 - Leeward Side Oahu (Kaena Pt. - Diamond Head)
3101 - Waianae Coast (Kaena Pt. - Barbers Pt.)
31010001 - Makaha Caverns
31010002 - The Mahi
31010003 - Kahe Point Beach Park (Electric Beach)
31010004 - Land of Oz
31010005 - Kea'Au Corner
31010006 - Ko'olina Lagoons
31010007 - Airplane Canyon / Airplane Reef
31010008 - Stars
31010009 - Deep LCU
31010010 - Lanikuhonua (between Marriott and Paradise Cove Luau)
31010011 - Southend Yokahama
31010012 - Turtle Cleaning Rock
31010013 - Makua Beach
31010019 - Ulua Cavern
31010020 - Papio Pass
31010021 - Gene Pool
31010022 - 2 Minutes Out
31010023 - Shallow LCU
31010024 - Twin Caves / Twin Holes (Waianae)
31010025 - 29 Down
31010026 - Pokai Bay (including jetty)
3102 - Mamala Bay (Barbers Pt. - Diamond Head)
31020001 - Kewalo Pipe
31020002 - Magic Island/Rainbow Reef, outside lagoon, channel side
31020003 - YO-257/San Pedro
31020004 - Sea Tiger Wreck
31020005 - Kaiser Reef
31020006 - Nautilus
31020007 - Pinnacles
31020008 - Pearl Harbor Wall
31020009 - Waikiki Groin
31020010 - Hilton Hawaiian's Channel
31020011 - Ala Moana Beach Park
31020012 - Magic Island Lagoon
31020013 - Kakaako Waterfront Park
31020014 - Sand Island, Beach (Sand Island )
31020015 - Queen's Surf Beach (W of San Souchi Beach, E of Kuhio Beach)
31020016 - Waikiki MLCD Ewa (West) between groins
31020017 - Waikiki MLCD Diamond Head (East) between groin and Natatorium
31020018 - Kaimana FMA
31020019 - Kuhio Beach near Royal Hawaiian Hotel
31020020 - Outer Reef MLCD
31020021 - Magic Island (Center outside reef)
31020022 - Tongg's - FMA
31020023 - Shorebird Hotel Channel (near Saratoga St.)
31020024 - Navy Tug / Nashua YTB-774
31020025 - Mario World / Ke'ehi Pipe
31020026 - Horseshoe Reef / Secrets
31020027 - Rockpiles / Ala Moana Bowls
31020028 - Fort DeRussy Beach
31020029 - Makalei Beach Park
32 - South Coast Oahu (E. of Diamond Head - Makapuu Pt.)
32000001 - Diamond Head
3201 - Maunalua Bay
32010001 - Turtle Canyon
32010002 - The Corsair Wreck
32010003 - Hawai'i Loa Crater
32010004 - Waialae Beach Park
32010005 - Angler's Reef / Angler Fish Reef
32010006 - Koko Crater
32010007 - Kahala at Hunakai Street
32010008 - Baby Barge
32010009 - Fantasea Reef
32010010 - Spitting Caves
32010011 - Kaalawai (Kahala)
32010012 - Kahala at Kala Place
32010013 - Landing Craft / LCU Wreck
32010014 - Corner Pockets
32010015 - Keanu Reef
32010016 - Mardi Gras II (Wailupe Beach)
3202 - Kawaihoa Pt. - Makapuu Pt. (incl. Hanauma Bay)
32020001 - Inside Reef Hanauma Bay
32020002 - Outside Reef Hanauma Bay
32020003 - Witch's Brew Hanauma Bay
32020004 - Palea (outside Hanauma Bay)
32020005 - Lanai Lookout
32020006 - Koko Head Sea Cove
32020007 - Koko Head Drift Dive
32020008 - Hanola Blow Hole / From Here To Eternity
32020009 - LST Wreck (Landing Ship Tank - Hawaii Kai)
32020010 - Alan Davis Beach
32020011 - Koke'e Beach Park
33 - Windward Side Oahu (Makapuu Pt. - Kahuku Pt.)
3301 - Kaneohe Bay (Makapuu Pt. - Kualoa Pt.)
33010001 - Manana Island
33010002 - Moku Manu
33010003 - Coconut Island
33010004 - Lanikai at Kaiolena Dr.
33010005 - Please use 32010005 (was Angler's Reef)
33010006 - Heela State Park
33010007 - Kailua Beach Park (Popola Island)
33010008 - Makai Pier
33010009 - Kaiona Beach Park
33010010 - Kaneohe Bay (intersection of Kamehameha and Lulani)
33010011 - Officer Beach / North Beach
33010012 - Fishpond Makaha 1
33010013 - Fishpond Makaha 2
33010014 - Fishpond Makaha 3
33010015 - Kaneohe Bay Sandbar
3302 - Kualoa Pt. - Kahuku Pt.
33020001 - Kokololio Beach Park
33020002 - La'ie Bay
33020003 - Goat Island
34 - North Shore Oahu (W. of Kahuku Pt. - Kaena Pt.)
3401 - Kahuku Pt. - Puaena Pt. (north end of Waialua Bay)
34010001 - Shark's Cove
34010002 - Three Tables
34010003 - Haleiwa Trench
34010004 - Haleiwa Beach Co. Park - Use 34020002
34010005 - Laniakea Beach
34010006 - Car Wash
34010007 - Atlantis
34010008 - Kawailoa Beach Park East
34010009 - Shark Cove Pupukea - Use 34010001
34010010 - Waimea Bay
34010011 - Kuilima Bay (by Turtle Bay Resort)
34010012 - Chun's Reef
34010013 - Sunset Beach
3402 - Waialua Bay - Kaena Pt.
34020001 - Kaena State Park
34020002 - Haleiwa Beach County Park
34020003 - Camp Mokuleia
34020004 - Haleiwa Ali'i Beach Park
34020005 - Crozier Drive Beach Access 257A
4 - Maui County (Maui, Lanai, Molokai, and Kahoolawe)
41 - Maui
41000000 - Maui - unspecified location
4101 - Leeward Shore Maui (Honolua Bay - Cape Hanamanoia)
410101 - West Side (Nakalele Pt. - McGregor Pt.)
41010101 - Black Rock
41010102 - Hyatt Reef
41010103 - Olowalu MM 14
41010104 - Kahekili Beach/Old Airport Beach
41010105 - Canoe Beach (shore dive)/ Hanakao'o Park / Keka'a
41010106 - Wash Rock Maui
41010107 - Coral Gardens
41010108 - Kapalua Bay
41010109 - Nakalele
41010111 - Honolua Bay MLCD
41010112 - Baby Beach (near Mala Wharf)
41010113 - Mokuleia Bay MLCD/Slaughterhouse
41010114 - Atlantis Submarine
41010115 - Honokawai Park (Kaanapali)
41010116 - Donna/George House
41010117 - Embassy Suites Reef
41010118 - Drainpipe
41010119 - Bill's Reef
41010121 - Thousand Peaks
41010122 - Puunoa Pt.
41010123 - Mala Wharf
41010124 - Shark Pit
41010125 - Hekili Point
41010126 - Cliff House / Namalu Bay
41010127 - Honokeana Cove
41010128 - Papalaua (off Pali by Tunnel)
41010131 - Papawai Point /Scenic Lookout /Scenic Point
41010132 - Carthaginian (1 mi offshore Puumanu Park)
41010133 - Ukumehame Beach - MM 12
41010134 - Dumps - Ma'aonakala (please use 41010273)
41010135 - Kulakani Condo Beach
41010136 - Jodo Mission
41010137 - Napili Bay
41010138 - Puamana Beach
41010139 - Punahoa Beach (MM13)
41010140 - Beach off Maui Eldorado
41010141 - Kahana Beach
41010142 - Wahikuli Wayside Park
41010143 - Launiupoko Beach
41010144 - Honua Kai Reef (north Ka'anapali Beach)
41010145 - Olowalu Landing
41010146 - Marriott / Dig Me Beach
41010147 - DT Fleming Beach Par
41010148 - Westin Nanea Ocean Villas
41010149 - Kim's Place
41010150 - Olowalu Beach
41010151 - Ben Gunn at Poly Reef
410102 - South Maui (McGregor Pt. - Cape Hanamanoia)
41010200 - South Maui - unspecified location
41010201 - Hellcat Plane Wreck
41010202 - Wailea Point
41010203 - Haloa Point
41010204 - Marty's Reef (65' pinnacle)
41010205 - Five Graves/Caves
41010206 - Jody's Backyard (Deer Valley)
41010207 - Tank & Landing Craft
41010208 - Red Hill/Pu'u Olai
41010209 - Taape Reef
41010210 - Hawaiian Reef (85' pinnacle)
41010211 - Apartments (110' pinnacle)
41010212 - Third Tank
41010213 - Pokaround
41010214 - La Perouse Pinnacle
41010215 - Maalaea/Aquarium Intake Pipeline
41010216 - Ulua Beach
41010217 - Ahihi Cove/Kanahena Bay
41010219 - Makena Landing
41010220 - Palauea Beach
41010221 - Maluaka Beach (Makena Beach and Golf Resort)
41010222 - Kamaole Beach III
41010223 - Secret Beach / Hole-in-the-wall Beach /Weddings Beach (Ahihi-Kinau Reserve)
41010224 - St. Anthony's Wreck
41010225 - Nahuna Point
41010226 - Honu Ridge
41010227 - Keawakapu Beach / Mana Kai end
41010228 - Battleship Rock
41010230 - Rose's Garden
41010232 - Polo Beach
41010233 - Roadside Dive (b/t Big Beach and Ahihi Cove)
41010234 - Aquarium (n. side La Perouse Bay)
41010235 - Fish Bowl (Ahihi-Kinau Reserve)
41010236 - Kalepolepo Beach Park / Kalepolepo Reef
41010238 - Poolenalena Beach
41010239 - Roger's Backyard
41010240 - North Nahuna
41010241 - Makena Tank
41010242 - La Perouse shore dive
41010243 - Mai Poina Oe Ia'u Beach Pavilion
41010244 - Sugar Beach / Kale'ia Reef
41010245 - Neil's Reef
41010246 - Kamaole Beach I North
41010247 - Kamaole Beach II
41010248 - Kamaole Beach I to II/Dee's Reef
41010249 - Nan's Reef (s. of Neil's Reef)
41010250 - McGregor Point
41010251 - Kamaole Beach II to III/Kamaole Point
41010252 - Papawai Point - (Use 41010131)
41010253 - Mast Reef
41010254 - Punahoa Beach (please use 41010139)
41010258 - Ko'ie'ie / Kalepolepo Fishpond
41010259 - Kalepolepo Deep Reef (Use 41010236)
41010260 - Sunken Boat
41010261 - Keawakapu Beach (south end 1/2 mile from Mana kai)
41010262 - Offshore south Maui (half way between Maalaea and Molokini)
41010264 - Offshore Nahuna/5 Graves - Outside Halimeda Reef
41010265 - Mana Kai Pinnacle
41010266 - Longnose Reef (Off the Mana Kai)
41010267 - Three Anchors
41010268 - Lipoa Bowl (offshore Lipoa Street)
41010269 - Makena State Park Black Sand Beach - Red Hill/ Oneuli Beach
41010270 - Kalama Park (central Kihei, S Maui)
41010271 - Spinning Plates
41010272 - Maalaea Bay Reef (middle of Maalaea Bay)
41010273 - Maonakala Dumps (South Ahihi Cove, Kanahena Bay)
41010274 - Kamole III Peaks and Valleys
41010275 - Wailea Marriott Reef
41010276 - Keawalai
41010277 - Kamaole Reef Offshore
41010278 - Kihei Boat Launch
41010279 - Maluaka Beach, Point at the North end of
41010280 - Big Beach, north end
41010281 - Kihei 483
41010282 - Kihei Old Wharf
41010283 - Hale Manini / The Prison / Pa'ako Cove / Moonsurfaces
41010284 - Helldiver Plane Wreck
41010285 - Rivers Run
41010286 - Big Beach South
41010287 - Haycraft Park
41010288 - Palaulau Outlet / Boardwalk
41010289 - Makena Surf Beach/ Little Chang Beach
41010290 - Makena Surf Point / Nahuna
4102 - Molokini Shoal MLCD
41020100 - Inside Crater
41020101 - Taco Flats
41020102 - Mid Reef & Snorkel Zone
41020103 - Shark Condos
41020104 - Enenui Side
41020105 - Reef's End
41020106 - Garbanzo
41020107 - Enenui Drift
41020108 - Reef's End Drift
41020400 - Outside Crater
41020401 - Back Wall/Outside Wall
41020402 - Edge of the World
41020403 - Flying Sea Cliffs
4103 - South Shore Maui (Cape Hanamanoia - Nanualele Pt. at Hana Bay)
41030001 - Split Reef
41030002 - Waste Lands
41030003 - Pinnacle Point
41030004 - Golden Arches/Kanaio Arches (Pakahueaea Pt)
41030005 - Dragon Reef
41030006 - Oheo Gulch
41030007 - Kaola
41030008 - Hana Pier (Hana Bay)
41030009 - Kalulu Point
41030010 - Homoa Beach
41030011 - Red Sands Beach
41030012 - Nu'u Bay - south shore Maui
41030013 - Kalaeoka'ilio Point (by Kaupo, very south end island)
41030014 - Kamanamana Point
41030015 - OP-10 (outside Kamanawa Bay)
41030016 - Shark Caves (near Ahole Rock)
41030017 - Kanalo Ridge (Mike's Ridge)
41030018 - Rivers Run
4104 - Windward Coast Maui (Nanualele Pt. at Hana Bay - Nakalele Pt.)
410401 - Southeast Coast (Nanualele Pt. - Pauwela Pt.)
41040101 - Kahalau (Kapukaamaui)
410402 - Northeast Coast (Pauwela Pt. - Nakalele Pt.)
41040201 - Hidden Pinnacle
41040202 - Waihee Beach Park
41040203 - Paia Bay
41040204 - Maliko Bay (right side)
41040205 - Northeast Coast (Hononana Bay)
41040206 - Ho’okipa Beach Park
41040207 - Maliko Bay (left side)
41040208 - Olivine Pools
42 - Lanai
4201 - East Coast Lanai (Kamaiki Pt. - Hale o Lono)
42010001 - Two Palms
42010002 - Club Lanai
42010003 - Shipwreck Beach
42010004 - Turtle Haven
4202 - West Coast Lanai (Hale o Lono - Palaoa Pt.)
42020001 - Shark Fin (Mokuna'Io)
42020002 - Barge Harbor
42020003 - Lighthouse
42020004 - Coast of Ka`ena Point
42020005 - Kalama Iki Gulch
42020006 - Three Stone / Nanahoa Islets
4203 - South Side Lanai (Palaoa Pt. - Kamaiki Pt.)
42030001 - Grand Caynon
42030002 - White Rock
42030003 - Monolith
42030004 - Wash Rock Lanai
42030005 - Pyramids
42030006 - Second Cathedral
42030007 - Knob Hill
42030008 - First Cathedral
42030009 - Fish Rock
42030010 - Sergeant Major
42030011 - Sergeant Minor
42030012 - No Name Paradise
42030013 - Secret Cove
42030014 - Hulopoe Bay MLCD
42030015 - Hole in the Wall
42030016 - Manele Bay MLCD
42030017 - Menpaci Caves
42030018 - Armchair
42030019 - Lover's Leap
42030020 - Double Arches
42030021 - Steve's Cave / Amy's Rock
42030022 - The Pinnacle / Lanai Pinnacle
43 - Molokai
4301 - Mokuhooniki Island
43010001 - Fish Rain
4302 - South Side Molokai not incl. Mokuhooniki Isl. (Halava - Loau Pt.)
43020001 - Fish Bowl Molokai
43020002 - Halelano Harbor
43020003 - 20 Mile Beach/Murphy's Beach Park
43020004 - The Herding
43020005 - The Wall
43020006 - BF (Big Friendly) Turtle
43020007 - Manta 1
43020008 - Outer Reef
4303 - West Side Molokai (Loau Pt. - Ilio Pt.)
43030001 - Kepuhi Beach
43030002 - Dixie Maru Beach
43030003 - Make Horse Beach
43030004 - Kaupoa Beach
43030005 - Papohaku Beach
4304 - North Side Molokai (Ilio Pt. - Halava)
43040001 - North Shore Cliffs (Wailau Valley)
43040002 - Kalaupapa Boat Harbor
44 - Koholawe
4401 - Kaho'olawe (north of Ule Pt. - Kealaikahiki Pt.)
44010001 - Wa'aike
44010002 - Kuheia
44010003 - Hakioawa
44010004 - Oawawahie
4402 - South Side (Ule Pt. - south side of Kealaikahiki Pt.)
44020001 - Puu Koae Island
44020002 - Honokanai'a Bay
5 - Hawaii (The Big Island)
51 - Kohala Coast Big Island (Upolu Pt. - Keahole Pt.)
5101 - North Kohala Coast (Upolu Pt. - Kawaihae Harbor)
51010001 - Lapakahi MLCD
51010002 - Frog Rock
51010003 - Kamilo
51010004 - Waiakailio Bay FRA
51010005 - Black Point / Malae Point
51010006 - Kei Kei Caverns (North/South)
51010007 - Ulua Caverns
51010008 - Lava Dome Rock
51010009 - Crystal Cove / Outside Crystal Cove
51010010 - Black Point Caves / Black Point South
51010011 - Mahukona
51010012 - Horseshoe Cove / Caves
51010013 - Kapa'a County Park
51010014 - Big Sandies
51010015 - Black Point North / Potter's Reef
51010016 - Kawaihae West Outside Breakwater
51010017 - Kawaihae Harbor Inside
51010018 - Kawaihae North Outside Breakwater
51010019 - Wackies / Carpenter
51010020 - Big Arch
51010021 - White Rock
5102 - South Kohala Coast (Kawaihae Harbor - Keahole Pt.)
51020001 - Puako FMA
51020002 - Pentagon / Anaehoomalu Bay FRA
51020003 - Keawaiki
51020004 - Kaupulehu FRA
51020005 - Kahuwai Reef / Ledges
51020006 - Makalawena
51020007 - Garden Eel Cove / Manta Ray Bay / Keahole Point (dive off airport)
51020008 - Touch of Gray
51020009 - Hapuna Beach State Park
51020011 - Makolea Point / Manta Cleaning Station
51020012 - Paniau North
51020013 - Paniau South / End of the Road / Ruddles
51020014 - Turtles / Turtle Mound
51020015 - Haunted Cavern
51020016 - Kua Bay
51020017 - Hoover's Towers / Pinnacle
51020018 - Shark Ledge
51020019 - LAX
51020020 - Coral Canyons
51020021 - Please use 52010075 (was Pahoehoe Beach Park)
51020022 - Puako Village End
51020023 - Kalahuipua'a Orchid Maunalani Hotel
51020024 - Puako FMA - surge/rubble monitoring site
51020025 - Puako FMA - shallow-coral monitoring site
51020026 - Black Coral Arches (South Kohala Coast)
51020027 - 6:05 (South Kohala Coast)
51020028 - Three Stooges
51020029 - Coral Gardens
51020030 - Mahaiula Bay / Kekaha Kai State Park
51020031 - Hualalai - Four Seasons Resort
51020032 - Vitto's Reef
51020033 - Elbow Rock
51020034 - Kukio Bay / Kikaua Point Park
51020037 - Elbow Rock Drift Dive
51020039 - Puako Boat Ramp
51020040 - Waialea Bay MLCD (Beach 69)
51020041 - Puako Church (between Village End and Boat Ramp)
51020042 - I Dunno
51020043 - The Airplane
51020044 - Mauna Kea Beach (Kauna'oa)
51020045 - Puako Access by power pole 115
51020046 - Puako Access by house 138
51020047 - Puako Access by house 152
51020048 - Puako Bay
51020049 - Alice's Wonderland / Puako 55
51020050 - Puako #76 / Catholic Church / Secret
51020051 - Skate Park
51020052 - 6th Hole (off Mauna Lani 14th Hole)
51020053 - Fairmont Orchid Hotel
51020054 - Puako Point
51020055 - Beach 69 - Jaymie's Turtle
51020056 - Buddha Point (off Hilton Waikoloa statue)
51020057 - Steven's Surprise / Waima (Puako area)
51020058 - Mauna Lani Caverns
51020059 - Puako House 40 / Turtle Cleaning Station
51020060 - King's Reef
51020061 - House 38
51020062 - Bridges (NE of Fairmont Orchid)
51020063 - Anaeho'omalu Beach / Waikoloa Beach Marriott
51020064 - Wainanalii Pond (Kiholo Bay)
51020065 - Beach 49 / Black Sand Beach
51020066 - Makaiwa Bay (Mauna Lani)
51020067 - Puako 56
51020068 - Waikoloa Hilton Lagoon
51020069 - Mahewalu Point / Kona Village (Kahuwai Bay)
51020070 - Further
51020071 - NE of A Touch of Gray
52 - Kona Coast (Keahole Pt. - Ka Lae/South Pt.)
5201 - North Kona Coast (Keahole Pt. - Cook Pt./N. side of Kealakekua Bay)
52010001 - Pinetrees
52010002 - Wawaloli / O-Tec Beach
52010003 - Wawaloli FMA
52010004 - Hole in the Wall (near old airport)
52010005 - Wai'aha Offshore Reef
52010006 - Turtle Heaven
52010007 - Trail of Tears (South of Keahole Point)
52010008 - Papawai FMA / Pawai Bay
52010009 - S. Oneo Bay FRA
52010010 - Milemarker 4
52010011 - Kahaluu Beach Park
52010012 - N. Keauhou FRA
52010013 - Manta Ray Village / Mantaville (off Sheraton)
52010014 - Kualanui Pt.
52010015 - Sharky's / Bay of Pig
52010016 - Amphitheater / Long Lava Tube / Octocoral
52010017 - Driftwood
52010018 - Henry's Cave / Pele's Garden
52010019 - The Dome
52010020 - Devils Doorway / Wash Rock / Pawai Bay Arches / Arch Cave / Sand Channel / Fish Rock
52010021 - Outhouse
52010022 - Pyramid Pinnacles / Pyramid Drop-Off / Pinnacles
52010023 - Turtle Pinnacle / Turtle Towers / North of Honokohau Harbor Entrance / Terrapin Station / Turtle Pai
52010024 - Eel Cove (North/South) / Pawai Bay
52010025 - Black Hole
52010027 - Old Airport (North/South) MLCD / Shark Fin Rock
52010028 - Nudibranch Canyon
52010029 - Moana Loa
52010031 - Suck Em Up Cave / Skull Cave
52010032 - Skunk Hollow / Inside Outside Aquarium / Aquarium
52010034 - Wreck of the Naked Lady
52010036 - Golden Arches (North/South)
52010037 - Disneyland / Airtanks
52010038 - Kaloko Arches / Ledges
52010039 - Ridges
52010040 - Mano Point (aka Fantasy Reef, mooring)
52010041 - Chimney
52010042 - Coral Domes
52010044 - Casa Cave
52010045 - Keahole Wash Rock
52010046 - Keahole Sand Chute / Tako City
52010047 - Dottie's Reef
52010048 - Pipe Dreams
52010049 - Rabbi's Reef / Lionfish Arch
52010050 - Carpenter's House / High Rock / Phantom Ridge
52010052 - Big Arch / Freeze Face Cave / Lone Tree Arch
52010053 - Kaloko Fish Pond / Taco Bell / Windows / Windowpane / Tako Bell
52010054 - Land's End
52010055 - Kailua Kona Pier East Side / Kailua Bay
52010056 - Outside Honokohau Harbor South / Naia / Ripoff Reef
52010057 - Kailua Kona Pier West side / King Kamehameha Hotel / Paul Allen's Reef
52010058 - Black Castle
52010059 - Ledges at Lures
52010060 - Pinnacle Peak / Pinnacles
52010061 - Wai'aha Bay
52010064 - Koloko Sand
52010065 - Fallen Arch
52010067 - Huggo's
52010069 - Farr's Folly
52010071 - Taco Bell
52010072 - Milemarker 3 / Royal Kahili
52010074 - Honokohau Harbor (inside marina)
52010075 - Pahoehoe Beach Park
52010076 - Awa Lava (Sandpiper, no mooring ball)
52010079 - South Pipes - boat dive off Wawaloli O-Tec Beach
52010080 - Hale Kona Kai Condos
52010081 - Kona Makai Condos
52010082 - Whap Site #10
52010083 - Maia Alulu Beach
52010084 - La'aloa (White Sands) Beach
52010085 - Crescent Beach / Dog Beach
52010086 - Oasis
52010087 - Predator Wreck
52010088 - Hammerhead Point
52010089 - Octopus's Garden
52010090 - Meadows
52010092 - Mermaid (shore dive south of Kailua Kona)
52010093 - Sheraton Hotel (shore dive)
52010094 - Bottom Out (shore dive)
52010095 - North Point Kealakekua Bay (outside bay)
52010096 - Shark Alley
52010097 - Safe Haven
52010098 - Haloko Honokohau NHP Beach
52010099 - Rose Garden / Fish Bowl
52010100 - Carousel / Kamanu / Body Glove
52010101 - Whale Shark Site
52010102 - Kamaka Honu
52010103 - Tikis (Kona Tiki Hotel)
52010104 - Aiopio Fish Trap
52010105 - Keiki Beach / Queens Bath (Kona)
52010106 - Four Loko
52010107 - Heeia Bay (North of Keauhou Bay)
52010108 - Paaoao Point
5202 - South Kona Coast (Cook Pt./Kealakekua Bay - Ka Lae/South Point)
52020001 - Kealakekua Bay MLCD
52020002 - Ke'ei FRA
52020003 - Place of Refuge / Puuhonua o Honaunau / Two Step
52020004 - Ho'okena Beach Park / Kalahiki Beach / Hookena FRA
52020005 - Au Au Crater (Hookena)
52020006 - Paradise Pinnacle
52020007 - Three Room Cave
52020008 - Omakaa (Milolii) FRA
52020009 - Manuka Bay (Milolii)
52020010 - Tubastrea Tunnel
52020011 - Catacombs
52020012 - Lion's Den
52020013 - The Hive
52020014 - Stony Mesas
52020015 - Amphitheater
52020016 - Wall's Wall
52020017 - Ladders
52020018 - Open water off Milolii
52020019 - Oz
52020022 - Pohue
52020023 - Rainbow Reef
52020024 - The Maze
52020025 - Arch of the Pyramids
52020026 - Pinnacles of Illusions
52020027 - Au Au Canyon (Hookena)
52020028 - Pebble Beach (Kona Paradise)
52020029 - 50 (Fifty) Flow
52020030 - Twin Sisters
52020031 - Rob's Reef
52020032 - Ule Rock / Never Never Land
52020033 - Papkolea Green Sand Beach
52020034 - Kiilae Bay
52020035 - Hole In the Wall Big Island
52020036 - Ala Haka
52020037 - Picnic Tables
52020038 - The Fortress
52020039 - Okoe Bay
52020040 - Thompson's Reef
52020041 - Aeroles / Arials
52020042 - Midway
52020043 - Rosy Cheeks
52020044 - Boulder Junction
52020045 - Honomalino Bay
52020046 - Ka'awaloa Cove (Kealakekua Bay)
52020047 - Pele's Playground
52020048 - Jim's Not in Trouble (Honaunau)
52020049 - Captain Cook Monument
52020050 - Kealakekua Bay Old Wharf /Napo'opo'o Pier
52020051 - Manini Beach Park
52020052 - Dragonbacks
52020053 - Kahauloa
52020054 - Ke'ei Beach / Keei Beach
52020055 - Bay south of Ho'okena Beach Park
52020056 - Deep Step Surprise
52020057 - Horseshoe Canyon
53 - South Coast Big Island (Ka Lae/S. Point - Kipu Pt. at N. side of Cape Kumukahi)
5301 - Ka Lae - Kapaoo Pt.
53010001 - Punaluu Beach
53010002 - Halapepe Iki
53010003 - Kalue
53010004 - Kaahha Campground
53010005 - Keauhou Milo Tree Lagoon
5302 - n. Kapaoo Pt - Kaimu
5303 - n. Kaimu - Kipu Pt.
53030001 - Kapoho Tidepool A
53030002 - Kapoho Tidepool B
53030003 - Kapoho Tidepool C
53030004 - Kapoho Beach Lots - Turtle Pond
53030005 - Kapoho Wai 'Opae Tide Pools MLCD
54 - East Corner Big Island incl. Hilo (Kipu Pt. - Pepeekeo Pt.)
5401 - Kipu Pt. - Leleiwi Pt.
5402 - n. of Leleiwi Pt. - Pepeekeo Pt.
54020001 - Richardson Ocean Park
54020002 - Leleiwi Beach Park
54020003 - Onekahakaha Beach Park
54020004 - Keaukaha Beach Park West side
54020005 - Keaukaha Beach Park East side
54020006 - Puhi Bay
54020007 - Richardson Ocean Park Outside (including inside bay)
54020008 - King's Landing
54020009 - Wai'olena
54020010 - Carlsmith Beach Park
55 - Hamakua Coast Big Island (Pepeekeo Pt. - Upolu Pt.)
6 - Johnston Atoll
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