Region: CIP
Geographic Zones: Eastern Indonesia (incl. East Timor) - Zone 4 » Lesser Sunda Islands/Nusa Tenggara Group - Zone 46 » Northern Lesser Sunda Archipelago - Zone 462 » Flores - Besar (and adj. islands) - Zone 4623 » Flores - Zone 462301 » Kura Baja Bay - Zone 46230117
Survey Types: Species & Abundance, Species Only
Dates: 1/1/93 - 3/10/25
Total Surveys: 2
#Species Reported: 30
Average Species Reported on a Survey by Expert Surveyors: 25.00
Average Species Reported on a Survey by Novice Surveyors: 10.00
Survey Type: SA = Species & Abundance; SO = Species Only - How to interpret REEF data?
Click a column header to sort by that column. Hold shift and click to sort by multiple columns
Surveys | Bottom Time | |||||
Expert | Novice | |||||
Code | Name | SA | SO | SA | SO | (H:M) |
4 | Eastern Indonesia (incl. East Timor) | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2:20 |
46 | Lesser Sunda Islands/Nusa Tenggara Group | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2:20 |
462 | Northern Lesser Sunda Archipelago | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2:20 |
4623 | Flores - Besar (and adj. islands) | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2:20 |
462301 | Flores | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2:20 |
46230117 | Kura Baja Bay | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2:20 |
TOTALS | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2:20 |
%SF = Sighting Frequency; DEN = Density Score - How to interpret REEF data?
Bar length corresponds to sighting frequency
Color saturation corresponds to density score
Click + to display species image and additional information.
Bar length corresponds to sighting frequency
Color saturation corresponds to density score
Click + to display species image and additional information.
Canine Goby - Goby
(Oplopomus caninoides)
(Oplopomus caninoides)
Flagfin Shrimpgoby - Goby
(Mahidolia mystacina)
(Mahidolia mystacina)
Lanceolate Shrimpgoby - Goby
(Tomiyamichthys lanceolatus)
(Tomiyamichthys lanceolatus)
Shadow Goby - Goby
(Yongeichthys (pka Acentrogobius) nebulosus)
(Yongeichthys (pka Acentrogobius) nebulosus)
Threadfin Mudgoby - Goby
(Oxyurichthys notonema)
(Oxyurichthys notonema)
Ambanoro Shrimpgoby - Goby
(Vanderhorstia ambanoro)
(Vanderhorstia ambanoro)
Areolate Grouper - Seabass
(Epinephelus areolatus)
(Epinephelus areolatus)
Black-banded (Demoiselle) Damsel - Damselfish
(Amblypomacentrus breviceps)
(Amblypomacentrus breviceps)
Blacktip Shrimpgoby - Goby
(Tomiyamichthys russus)
(Tomiyamichthys russus)
Bluestriped Fangblenny - Blenny
(Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos)
(Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos)
Bridled Monocle Bream - Coral (Monocle) Bream
(Scolopsis bilineata)
(Scolopsis bilineata)
Brownband Shrimpgoby - Goby
(Tomiyamichthys zonatus)
(Tomiyamichthys zonatus)
Collared Razorfish - Wrasse
(Cymolutes torquatus)
(Cymolutes torquatus)
Crescent Wrasse - Wrasse
(Thalassoma lunare)
(Thalassoma lunare)
Dusky Garden Eel - Conger and Garden Eel
(Heteroconger enigmaticus)
(Heteroconger enigmaticus)
Fivefinger Razorfish - Wrasse
(Iniistius pentadactylus)
(Iniistius pentadactylus)
Giant Shrimpgoby - Goby
(Amblyeleotris fontanesii)
(Amblyeleotris fontanesii)
Longspot Shrimpgoby - Goby
(Tomiyamichthys tanyspilus)
(Tomiyamichthys tanyspilus)
Many-toothed Garden Eel - Conger and Garden Eel
(Heteroconger perissodon)
(Heteroconger perissodon)
Orange-spotted Grouper - Seabass
(Epinephelus coioides)
(Epinephelus coioides)
Redtooth Triggerfish - Triggerfish
(Odonus niger)
(Odonus niger)
Shortfin Lionfish - Scorpionfish and Lionfish
(Dendrochirus brachypterus)
(Dendrochirus brachypterus)
Shortpouch Pygmy Pipehorse - Pipefish and Seahorse
(Acentronura breviperula)
(Acentronura breviperula)
Spinecheek Goby - Goby
(Oplopomus oplopomus)
(Oplopomus oplopomus)
Star Puffer - Puffer
(Arothron stellatus)
(Arothron stellatus)
Timor Snapper - Snapper
(Lutjanus timorensis)
(Lutjanus timorensis)
Violet Demoiselle - Damselfish
(Neopomacentrus violascens)
(Neopomacentrus violascens)
Weedy Cardinalfish - Cardinalfish
(Foa fo)
(Foa fo)
Yellowfoot Shrimpgoby - Goby
(Vanderhorstia phaeosticta)
(Vanderhorstia phaeosticta)
Yellowmargin Triggerfish - Triggerfish
(Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus)
(Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus)